You're Giving Me A Heart Attack

Sunday, January 12, 2014 @ Sunday, January 12, 2014 | 0 yehet

“Lu Han, Lu, Baby, Lu Han, stop it.”

Sehun lifts up his shoulder to block the assail of kisses on his neck, eyes still closed as he squirms around in his seat. He crosses his arms over his chest and tries to fall asleep again, only to be roused by another round of pecks being pressed into the skin of his neck and the underside of his jaw.

“Lu Han, again, stop it. I’m trying to nap here,” Sehun whines, attempting to push his boyfriend away lightly. When Lu Han’s ministrations doesn’t stop, Sehun opens his eyes. “Lu Han.” Sehun grabs onto the elder’s shoulders firmly before pushing him away.

“What are you doing?” Sehun asks, sighing as he tries to keep his eyes open and trained on Lu Han’s pouting face.

“Waking you up,” Lu Han answers plainly, trying to work his shoulders out of Sehun’s grasp so he can go back to what he was doing earlier.

“And why do you want to wake me up? We’ve barely left the dorms and it’s still a long drive to the building.” Sehun brings up a hand to cover his mouth as he yawns. “Everyone else is asleep, see?”

“My point exactly,” Lu Han points out, crawling closer to Sehun, their thighs pressing together. “Because that way no one will notice us fucking.”

Sehun nods sleepily, not fully understanding what Lu Han just mumbled into his ear. He finally gets it though when Lu Han throws a leg across Sehun’s lap, and starts nibbling on the lobe of his ear. His eyes widen, and he stops Lu Han’s hands from straying down his shoulders.

“What did you say?” Sehun splutters as he pushes Lu Han away at arm’s length, the feel of the older’s teeth lingering on the soft skin under his jaw. Sehun’s pretty sure there’s already a red mark forming there. Lu Han huffs, and looks at Sehun dead in the eye.

“You heard exactly what I said.”

“Yes, I did. But why?” Sehun runs a hand over his tired face.

“Because I want you.” Lu Han says it with such blatant nonchalance, as if what he’s asking from Sehun is as simple as asking for a kiss. But that still is sort of hard to give while in a moving car filled with people. What more if he gives Lu Han what he really wants.

“I don’t think that’s a good reason, Lu Han,” Sehun sighs, placing his hands on Lu Han’s hips, holding him down and stopping him from lunging at him.

“It’s either you fuck me, or I fuck myself on you. Whichever way works.” Sehun chokes at Lu Han’s statement. Sehun watches as Lu Han starts unbuttoning his varsity jacket, his hands steadily travelling down and down until they hover over his crotch. When Lu Han’s fingers brush the soft material of Sehun's sweatpants, the younger realises with a start that he’s actually semi-hard. And Lu Han’s barely touched him yet.

“Lu, oh god, Lu Han, stop,” Sehun gulps, trying to collect Lu Han’s hands and get them away from his waistband. “Why are you doing this?”

“Didn’t you hear me the first time?” Lu Han grunts silently and rolls his eyes, twisting his wrists out of Sehun’s hold. He cups Sehun’s face in his hands and says, deliberately slowly in a voice so low and seductive, “I want you. Now. Badly.”

Before Sehun gets the chance to protest, Lu Han brings his lips down to claim Sehun’s. He kisses Sehun so intensely, catching the younger’s bottom lip between his teeth as he tugs on it. Lu Han moves closer, straddling Sehun’s thighs as he presses his arse down his boyfriend’s growing bulge. Sehun groans against Lu Han's mouth, and he feels the older giggle. Sehun growls before pulling Lu Han in until their chests brush, licking at the seam where his lips meet. Lu Han parts them and lets Sehun push his tongue in, licking and sucking and tangling with his own.

Lu Han starts grinding down on Sehun's lap, thrusting his hips forward to tease the tent forming on the younger’s front. He dry humps against the latter, pressing open-mouthed kisses into Sehun’s mouth as he pants, “Come on, Sehun-ah, fuck me. I know you want to.”

Sehun - he blames it on the heat of the moment - grabs at Lu Han’s bottom, stilling the elder’s movements as he mewls at the feel of Sehun’s warm hands on him. Sehun gives Lu Han a quick peck on the lips before putting space between them.

“Kyungsoo’s sleeping just a row in front of us.” Sehun tries to catch his breath, nudging his head towards the direction of a sleeping Kyungsoo resting his head against the van window. “He’ll hear.” 

Sehun starts to remove his hands from Lu Han’s rump, only to have the latter scramble to return them to their former place on his ass. “Then we’ll just have to keep silent,” Lu Han whispers, gyrating his hips down on Sehun’s straining erection. He smirks at the deep moan that rumbles in Sehun’s chest. “And we’ll have to be fast because you’ve already wasted so much time being modest.”

It doesn’t take long before Sehun’s responding to Lu Han’s desperate kisses and sliding hands up and slipping them inside the elder’s shirt. Lu Han struggles to keep his moans in as the pads of his boyfriend’s thumbs brush the sensitive nubs of his nipples. Sehun breaks the kiss and retracts his hands, smirking at the whimper Lu Han elicits at the loss of warmth. He latches his mouth on Sehun’s neck instead, kissing red mark after red mark into the white skin as Sehun reaches for his bag and starts rummaging inside.

He finds the bottle of lube and packet of condom buried at the bottom of his backpack, and immediately takes them out. Sehun lays them on the leather upholstery, and turns his attention back to Lu Han, softly grasping the latter’s chin and pulling him in for a searing kiss. Lu Han works on getting Sehun’s pants off, tugging at the soft fabric harshly. With some difficulty, Sehun manages to lift his and Lu Han’s weight, the sweatpants and boxers dragging down to a stop above his knees. His cock is hard and heavy in the middle of his thighs, and Lu Han stares at it for a few beats before wrapping his arms around Sehun’s neck and kisses him desperately. They manage to get Lu Han’s pants and underwear down, lips never parting.

When Sehun has finished rolling down the condom on his cock, and is midway finished positioning his lubed fingers at Lu Han’s entrance, the elder stops him.

“Wait,” Lu Han stammers, hands fisting Sehun’s jacket, “wait Sehun-ah, what if the others wake up and see us.” Lu Han’s white thighs are warm and quivering against his own, and all Sehun wants to do now is fuck the elder into oblivion.

“We’ll keep quiet,” Sehun whispers, peppering a line of kisses from the underside of Lu Han’s jaw down to his shoulder, “You wanted this, Lu, do you remember?”

Sehun feels Lu Han’s eyelashes flutter against his cheek. “Yes. God yes.”

And next thing Lu Han knows, there’s already a finger pushing up the first ring of muscle. He buries his head in the crook of Sehun’s neck and bites down hard on the younger’s shoulder. Sehun keeps on pushing into the tight heat, adding in a second finger as he starts to scissor and stretch him. 

"Sehun," Lu Han breathes against Sehun's jacket, "Sehun-ah, please pleasenow." He pushes down on Sehun's fingers, hands curling into Sehun's hair as his boyfriend probes deeper, knuckles brushing the skin of his arse cheeks.

"Ba - baby, I want you," Sehun groans, pressing a kiss to Lu Han's temple before withdrawing his fingers. Lu Han slumps against him as Sehun hurries with lubing up his cock. He rolls Lu Han's shirt up and the elder pulls him closer by tightening his arms around his neck.

"I want you too." Lu Han's hot breaths flush the skin of Sehun's neck red, and Sehun lines himself below Lu Han's hole.

By the time Sehun's pushing himself halfway in, the fabric of his shirt stretched over his shoulder is semi-soaked with saliva and tears, the skin beneath it held between Lu Han's teeth as he bites down to keep himself from screaming.

"Jes - fuck - so tight," Sehun grunts, stilling his movements when he's fully lodged himself inside Lu Han. His boyfriend's walls are tight and contracting around him, and it feels so sinfully good. Sehun massages the other's back and thighs, trying to help him get over the initial pain. He leans down and kisses Lu Han's clothed shoulders, whispering words of comfort and promises that it'll feel better soon.

Lu Han takes deep breaths in and long exhales out as he adjusts to Sehun's size. He occasionally tightens his bite on Sehun's shoulder with every jostle of the moving vehicle they're in, the movements making him feel sparks of pain and pleasure lacing his bloodstream. A few moments later he retracts his teeth and tilts his head to face Sehun's pale neck, lips ghosting over the veins prominent there. He shakily orders: "Move. Please."

And Sehun does. With his hands on Lu Han's hips, he lifts the latter up, only to bring him down to meet his thrust. Lu Han gasps against Sehun's skin and digs his fingers into the material of the younger's jacket. Sehun hisses through his teeth as Lu Han's walls contract around him, making everything hotter and tighter.

"O - oh god, Sehun-ah," Lu Han pants with every push in, thighs tightening around Sehun's legs. The elder shifts his arms so his hands are tightly clutching Sehun's broad shoulders. Then he pushes himself up, staring deep into Sehun's eyes before impaling himself down on the younger's erect sex. he starts easing himself up and down, nerves on fire with lust.

"Shit." Sehun tilts his head back at the pleasure, head meeting the headboard as Lu Han starts bouncing up and down on his cock, meeting every twist of hips into the latter. He grips Lu Han's thighs tighter, pulling him closer and thrusting in particularly deep. He brings down Lu Han's head and pulls him in a searing liplock, swallowing the screams that escape the other's lips as Sehun hits his spot again, and again, and again.

"S - Seh - I'm nearly--" Lu Han whispers brokenly, lips brushing with Sehun's. His mind has long fogged over, and he can almost see stars behind his eyelids.

"Just wait," Sehun answers, his brow wet with perspiration as he fastens his thrusts, erratic and desperate for release. Lu Han is tugging at his coarse hair harshly. Then the van comes across a particularly high road hump, and Sehun times his thrust with it, pulling Lu Han down on him the exact moment they descend on the even road.

Lu Han buries his face in Sehun's shoulder, mouth open in a silent scream as he comes between Sehun and himself. He can faintly register Sehun cursing silently, his ruts turning merciless as Lu Han's insides clamp around his dick.

"Sehun-ah," Lu Han moans into Sehun's ear, biting at his earlobe and dragging it down, breathing heavily. And that's all it takes for Sehun to go rigid under Lu Han, fingers gripping the latter's thighs as he orgasms. Lu Han shivers at the shallow and swift thrusts as Sehun rides out his high, going boneless on top of the younger when he pulls out.

They quickly clean up, Sehun wrapping the used condom in tons of tissue before using more sheets to wipe off the come on his and Lu Han's torsos. They fish out new shirts for each other, depositing the soiled ones - and the used tissues - in a plastic bag Lu Han keeps in his backpack's pocket for his dirty clothes. They make do with using their fingers to pat down their matching unruly hair, sex-ruffled and sweat-damp.

Sehun presses a quick kiss on Lu Han's damp temple when they round the corner of the building, and the latter smiles at him contentedly.

They don't really see the look of horror on Kyungsoo's face.



"Sehun, Sehun-ah, what are you doing?" Lu Han whispers harshly in the dark, limbs flailing as he tries to push the younger boy off of him. Sehun crawled under his sheets and started groping him, waking him up from his almost sleep.

"Waking you up. Because I want you. Now shush." Sehun proceeds on touching Lu Han in all the right places, eliciting all these moans than only Sehun can be the reason of.

"But Kyungsoo's sleeping!" Lu Han quietly shrieks, the covers rustling as he does his best not to moan shamelessly. Sehun's hands are dancing over the skin of his hipbone and go-- "He'll hear us! We'll get into trouble!"

"Well that didn't stop you earlier," Sehun chuckles, nipping at Lu Han's chin while trying to unbutton the elder's pyjama top. It quite amazes Sehun how Lu Han can go from a seductive minx to a conservative saint depending on the time of day. "Come on Lu Han, I know you want to."

"I - oh Jesus - wait." He pushes Sehun away from him, and throws the cover off the both of them. He takes Sehun's hand in his, and tugs him off the bed. "Not here."

"Bathroom it is," Sehun mumbles, smirk on his face as he pushes Lu Han out the door and into the hallway. He follows soon enough, closing the bedroom door quietly.

Kyungsoo lies awake under his covers, eyes wide and staring at the wall. His hand shakily makes its way underneath his pillow, fishing out his phone. He dials a number, brings it to his ear. He worries his lip between his teeth as he waits for the person on the other line to pick up.

"Hyung?" The person doesn't sound sleepy at all.

"Jongin, Jongin I can't do this anymore. This has got to be the worst room assignments ever," Kyungsoo wails into the receiver. Then he drops into a whisper, "My roommates go at it like bunnies, Jonginnie, save me."

"Hyung," Jongin answers, "I can't take this either. Baek - Baekhyun hyung and Chanyeol hyung have it bad too. What did we do to deserve this?" There's silence on the other line, before sounds of ruffling and moving ensues. "Hyung, hyung, save me. They're starting again!"

Kyungsoo wants to cry.

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