Once upon a Dream

Sunday, January 12, 2014 @ Sunday, January 12, 2014 | 1 yehet

Once upon a dream

I know you; I walked with you once upon a dream
  • Sleeping Beauty
“I'm awfully sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you.”

“Oh, it wasn't that. Is just that you're a... a...”
“A stranger?”


“But don't you remember? We've met before.”

“We... we have?”

“Well, of course. You said so yourself. Once upon a dream.”
I know you. I walked with you—
Lu Han shut the TV off, earning a chorus of groans from Jongdae and Kyungsoo. The two childish males were seated right in front of the television, eyes wide and happy from having too much Disney. They had just finished watching Bambi, to his earlier dismay, and had moved on to Disney Princess movies.
“What’s the big deal?” Jongdae complained, crawling on the floor to grab the remote from where Lu Han had perched it on the sofa.
“Yeah,” Kyungsoo piped in, pout evident in his cute face. “Prince Phillip and Princess Aurora were just starting to hit it off.”
“I don’t care which prince or princess is shacking up in your various Disney movies, but it’s not going to be in this apartment,” Lu Han huffed, grabbing the remote just when Jongdae’s paw was about to grab it. He waved the remote control around. “Why don’t you take this to your apartment?”
“This is my apartment, Lu Han,” Kyungsoo reminded him. “We actually rent this place together? Did you forget?” There was a snicker hiding under his innocent plump lips and Lu Han chose to ignore him. He decided to glare at Jongdae instead.
“Er, it’s not exactly wise for a Hallyu star to have Disney DVDs lying around the place,” Jongdae stated, nodding seriously. “It’s actually been advised against by my manager since I bring so many people over.”
“Hallyu star my ass,” Lu Han bit back and even Kyungsoo scoffed, although they had both met Jongdae’s manager and remembered being told off not to do anything to damage Jongdae’s image. Jongdae glowered at both of them. Or, at least, he tried to. Jongdae had such a pleasant face that it was really hard for him to show people that he was mad at them. “I repeat: there will be NO playing of Disney movies in this apartment or in any type of distance near me.”
He then shoved the remote in Jongdae’s face and walked to his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Baekhyun, who’d only just arrived, hurriedly took off his shoes and coat.
“You started without me?” He looked very much offended as he rushed to the empty space beside Kyungsoo, the one that Jongdae had vacated. After getting properly situated, he grabbed the remote from Jongdae’s hand and pressed play. “This is my favorite part!” he excitedly squealed.
…once upon a dream. I know you. The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam…
Lu Han frowned as Yixing’s clear laughter reached him through the thousands of miles of distance between them. He leaned back on the headboard of his bed and clutched the phone tighter to his ear.
“You don’t have to be so happy about it, you know,” Lu Han grumbled, playing with the edge of his white comforter with green swirls on them. “I’m not being childish. You know how much I hate Disney movies. They’re so…” He visibly shuddered, despite not having anyone around to see him.
“Actually, you are being childish,” Yixing stated undeniably. “What 25-year old male gets mad over something like Disney?”
“I could say the same thing about them,” Lu Han retorted quite heatedly. “25 years old and still going goo goo over Disney princesses!” He paused for a split second then added, his eyes widening, “I could say the same about you!” He groaned and closed his eyes, squeezing them shut. “Why do I have children for friends?”
“Lu,” Yixing laughed. “I don’t get what the big deal is. You used to love Disney and all that it stood for. You even wanted to be Princess Jasmine at some point—.”
“Mulan,” Lu Han promptly corrected him. “And she’s not some useless, spineless princess.”
“Who gets swept off her feet by a princely general,” Yixing finished for him.
Lu Han sighed and kept his eyes closed. Of course Yixing knew that about him. Yixing knew him even before Baekhyun did, and he always told everyone that Baekhyun knew him best because they were best friends. But before Baekhyun, before South Korea, there was China, and there was Yixing.
Yixing was his neighbor back in Beijing. Being the son of his mother’s best friend, it naturally ended up that they became best friends as well. They’d spent all their toddler, kindergarten and elementary years together. It was easy, being friends with Yixing. He was quiet and contemplative, while Lu Han filled in all of the silences with his bright and innocent laughter. He’d always felt like Yixing indulged him and this felt like another one of those times.
“What changed, Lu Han?” Yixing pressed, his voice even quieter over the phone. Lu Han couldn’t help but miss his childhood best friend and the loneliness that was creeping in him. He missed Beijing all of a sudden.
“What have you been up to, Xing?” Lu Han changed the subject all too fluently. He held his breath, as Yixing was silent for a moment, waiting to be called out on his blatant swerve of topic.
“If you must know,” Yixing began, and Lu Han breathed a sigh of relief. “I’m coming to Seoul next week.”
When Lu Han ended the call, he put his phone down on his bedside table, a smile on his face. Sometimes he wondered how it was so easy for Yixing to know just when exactly he needed him the most. Although, he wasn’t quite sure what he needed Yixing for, he’s guessing that he was just suddenly feeling homesick, but he figured that it was all good all the same. They hadn’t really seen each other in a couple of years.
He left his room to go to the kitchen so that he could fix himself up some hot chocolate or something when he stopped in his tracks. There had been a melody of some sort, something that vaguely sounded like a song from The Little Mermaid that was coming from the living room when it was abruptly cut short.
One second, two seconds had passed and he decided to ignore it. There were audible sighs of relief, making him smirk.
“Just because I didn’t say anything, doesn’t mean I don’t know what you guys are doing,” Lu Han called in a singsong voice from the kitchen.
Jongdae squeaked.
“What are we doing here?” Lu Han asked as he followed Yixing into Exo Hotel, one of the top and, quite possibly, the most expensive hotel around. His eyes wandered to the grand diamond-studded chandelier, adorned with gold trimmings on the dome-styled ceiling of the lobby.
“My mom’s friends with the owners and wanted me to give something to them from home,” Yixing told him.
“So you came here just to do that for her?” Lu Han pouted selfishly. He hadn’t seen Yixing in the longest time, maybe in around close to 10 years already, and, though they never really kept in close contact all throughout those lost years, he still considered him his best friend and had hoped that one of the reasons he came was him.
Yixing rolled his eyes and put an arm around him, squeezing lightly. “I would never have come if you weren’t here,” he assured him, smiling softly.
Lu Han’s countenance was much brighter after that, smiling happily at the beautiful interiors of the hotel. Yixing had to nudge him continuously because he kept on crying out with delight at every little thing that he found interesting. Yixing suddenly felt like he was lugging a six-year old around.
“Excuse me,” Yixing asked the manager, glancing at the name on the small piece of paper in his hand. “I’ve been asked by Mr. Kris Wu to meet him here at this time.”
The manager politely nodded, gesturing towards a set of sofas to his right for them to wait at before picking up the phone to confirm his appointment.
“How is it that I never knew that your mom knows one of the richest people in this country?” Lu Han wanted to know as they sat down.
“And of what use will that information be to you?” Yixing inquired, smirking a little. “You know my mom still hasn’t forgiven you for leaving and moving all the way here.”
“You mean she hasn’t forgiven my mom,” Lu Han corrected him, waving dismissively. “Your mom adores me. I’m the son she’s never had.” He beamed happily when he remembered all the food that Yixing’s mom always cooked for him whenever he visited their home, which was everyday after class. He took a deep breath in nostalgia. He missed Beijing.
“I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to know how bigheaded you’ve become,” Yixing commented fondly. “She’s—.”
“Excuse me. Are you Zhang Yixing?”
Yixing abruptly stopped their conversation and looked up to the source of the voice. He immediately stood up and nodded, taking his hand out to shake his in greeting.
“I’m Kris Wu,” he stated. “My mother is sorry she couldn’t come and meet you personally but she has a sudden event that she had to attend to.”
“Of course, it’s not a problem. I’m Zhang Yixing,” Yixing introduced himself. “And this is…” He glanced down and found that Lu Han was still sitting down and staring rather rudely.
Lu Han couldn’t quite look away. He’d made his way from the polished black shoes, Gucci probably, he couldn’t help but think, and made his way up to the dark maroon slacks (Michael Kors), to the black leather belt with the silver buckle (D&G), and to the striped maroon and white long-sleeved polo shirt (D&G, as well) that hugged what he was sure to be a ripped upper body, judging by the way the sleeves hugged his biceps. His eyes trailed towards the silver necklace around his neck and finally to the gorgeously sculpted face that Lu Han was sure should be illegal anywhere.
Yixing smiled embarrassedly for his friend and, not so gently, kicked Lu Han on the shin. Lu Han grunted in pain. His eyes widened at Yixing’s deathly glare and stood up, bowing when he realized his unintended show of disrespect.
“I’m Lu Han,” he amended with a smile.
“Kris,” Kris repeated, quirking an eyebrow. He turned back to Yixing. “My mother would like to meet you for dinner within the week if you’re available. She really wants to see you again.”
“I’d be delighted to meet with her,” Yixing agreed at once. “My mom really wanted me to catch up with her if she was free.”
“I’ll see to the arrangements,” Kris said, looking pleased. “Do you have a card?” he then asked, pulling out his own calling card from his wallet.
Lu Han looked on interestedly as they exchanged cards, commenting on each other’s before finally deciding that Kris would call Yixing for the schedule.
“It’s nice to meet you,” Kris sincerely said, shaking Yixing’s hand again.
“Likewise,” Yixing stated, smiling.
“And you, Lu Han,” Kris said, taking his hand as well. “It’s nice to meet you as well.”
Lu Han gave him a small smile, one he reserved for those he was particularly interested in, a small quirk of the lips, his eyes widening a little with subtle, but not so subtle interest. It always worked. If the other party responded, then it was mutual. If they didn’t, then too bad. But Kris had gripped his hand tighter than necessary and Lu Han knew.
“It’s nice to meet you, too, Kris,” Lu Han smoothly said. “I hope this isn’t the last we’ll see of each other.”
Kris smiled a little, eyebrows quirking once more before excusing himself from their presence.
Lu Han’s smile widened when Yixing met his gaze and, almost immediately, Yixing was shaking his head.
“No, Lu Han,” Yixing emphatically insisted.
“What? Why?” Lu Han asked, not bothering to deny anything. Yixing knew all about him and his interest in men. There really was no need to hide it from him, especially when there wasn’t anything to be embarrassed about. Kris was hot and he was sure Yixing knew it, too.
“He’s the son of my mom’s friend,” Yixing reminded him as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “If something happens and—.”
“Really, Yixing,” Lu Han interrupted him with a chuckle. “We’re all adults here. I don’t think Kris’ mom meddles in his personal affairs.” He slipped an arm around his best friend’s as they walked out of the lobby and out of the hotel. “Besides, if you’re interested in him, you could just say so.” His laughter tinkled as Yixing grunted because Yixing was very straight and had a girlfriend waiting for him back home.
“You’re the worst,” Yixing commented in defeat.
“Is it doable?” Baekhyun asked as he watched Lu Han, who was biting his lip, looking out of the window. “I mean, Kyuhyun’s sizes barely changes so I think we could forgo like a fitting or two, but he would still have to fit it to be sure. Siwon’s easy to manage,” he went on, waving his hand. “Jongdae should be fine, too, since he’s always with us and—.” His eyes hardened as he glared at Lu Han.
Lu Han’s eyes were trained outside, to the cars and people walking past his store. It was pretty clear to Baekhyun that his best friend wasn’t listening to him, yet again. He got up from his seat and kicked Lu Han’s own before howling and hopping around with one foot.
“What happened?” Lu Han asked, blinking and watching his friend interestedly.
“You haven’t been listening to a word I was saying,” Baekhyun spat out, finally sitting down and nursing his foot. “I’m on a deadline, Lu Han, and you can’t just space out on me when we have our meetings. I know we’re best friends, but this is work and—.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Lu Han scoffed at him. He pulled out his planner and showed him his calendar. “Kyuhyun can have his fitting the day after tomorrow. Siwon can be two days after that. Jongdae can come in whenever he’s free.” Baekhyun blinked at him and he had to smile. “Just because I’m spacing out, doesn’t mean I’m not listening.”
Baekhyun sputtered at being called stupid indirectly. Then he sighed and leaned back on his seat. “What were you thinking about anyway?” he asked, gathering his papers and stuffing them into an envelope. “New prospect?”
“Might be more of a conquest than a prospect,” Lu Han mused.
Kris hadn’t really left his mind since they’d met the previous week. He had planned to tag along to Yixing’s dinner with his mom. But he turned out to be busy that day and, it seemed, that Kris had been busy as well because Yixing didn’t mention seeing him. There was just that spark of interest that he always felt, which was an indication that Kris was probably very good in bed. He was never really wrong about those kinds of things.
Baekhyun straightened up. “Who is it?” he asked. Lu Han’s face merely stretched into a cat-like smile and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you still seeing Taemin, though? Is his time up?” he teased.
Baekhyun and their other close friends liked to tease him about the revolving doors of so-called boyfriends that came in and out of his life, precisely for the fact that his mind was so quick to change about them. One moment he enjoyed being with this person, and the next, he hated him. Lu Han mentally shrugged. He liked having fun and he couldn’t help that this involved being with different men. He wasn’t exactly a slut; he still did choose with whom he was with, but he liked to play around—he enjoyed playing around.
“Taemin’s starting to become boring,” Lu Han admitted.
“And now that there’s someone new on the horizon, you’re getting ready to chuck him out?” Baekhyun phrased rather crudely.
“I never chuck anyone out,” Lu Han corrected him in almost a stern manner. “Taemin’s a friend, too, and we’ll part on good terms.” He always parted with his ‘boyfriends’ on good terms. He didn’t really like having conflicts with them. On the first sign of one, he bailed out. He didn’t do ‘complicated’.
“So what’s different about this one?” Baekhyun inquired curiously.
“I don’t know yet,” Lu Han mulled over, smirking a little. “But I’ll find out.”
Lu Han closed his eyes, enjoying the sensations rushing over him. He bit his lip as Taemin slipped his hand down the front of his pants and started palming him. Lu Han grabbed the back of Taemin’s head as he was slammed against a wall, pulling him into a forceful kiss.
He had just broken the news to Taemin that he was ending their little arrangement. He’d been honest, telling him that things weren’t working out for him anymore and that he felt like they should see other people, more openly than they had when they’d been sort of together. Taemin took the news rather well as Lu Han knew he would before pushing him against the wall for a last round. Lu Han obliged because he never said no to sex, and the goodbye one, right after the make-up one, was the best kind.
They were in the process of undressing each other when the doorbell to his store rang aloud. They both groaned. Lu Han clearly remembered putting the lunch break sign on the door of his store and had closed the blinds to get the message across. He glanced up at the clock and disappointedly noted that such lunch break was over and they hadn’t even gotten to the good parts yet.
“I need to work,” Lu Han choked the last word out as Taemin stroked him in an agonizingly slow manner and bit down on his shoulder at the same time. He let out a groan as Taemin twisted his hand this way and that and he had no choice but to let him finish because he wasn’t going to be able to work with this. “Hurry,” he hissed as the doorbell continued on ringing and ringing and ringing.
The ringing of the doorbell had turned into loud knocks on his door that appeared like it was going to be broken down. On top of that, his mobile phone had been ringing non-stop as well.
He zipped himself up and gave Taemin one last kiss before opening the door rather haphazardly. He froze when he saw a livid Yixing and an amused Kris right behind him. Lu Han opened his mouth and closed it again when he found that he had nothing to say. Taemin, smirking with smugness, pulled Lu Han into another kiss before leaving with a ‘see you around’ on his lips.
“I’m sorry,” Lu Han told Yixing contritely when Kris was seated into one of the plush couches, looking around with curiosity. “I lost track of time and—.”
“You’re unbelievable,” was all Yixing said, shaking his head. “You smell of sex,” he hissed. At least Lu Han looked embarrassed. He gestured towards Kris. “Well he’s a potential client,” he said. “I’ll be back later.” He gave him a pointed look before telling Kris that he was going out for a bit.
Lu Han pondered for a second on how he was going to approach the slight mishap he had created for himself. There wasn’t really a way to avoid the fact that people, even those he’d dated, were going to find out about how he did things. He never tried to hide the fact that he dated around and never settled for anyone. He made it clear to anyone he’d dated that nothing was ever going to be serious and there was never going to be a future for them because he didn’t do steady relationships. And they understood that and knew that he always moved on when he got tired of an arrangement. But it had never really happened that his next prospect had almost caught him, sort of still with another man.
“So is there anything in particular I can help you with?” Lu Han asked, deciding to use the ignore-what-happened route. “Maybe you can tell me what events you’re planning to attend in the next couple of weeks and then we can go from there.” He pulled up one of the chairs he had to be able to sit across from him.
Which maybe wasn’t such a good idea.
He wasn’t sure how it was possible for one human being to look so damn good. If he wasn’t already gay, he would have gladly become one for Kris. It was insane how perfect his…everything was. He was less dressed up that day, wearing a black long-sleeved button down sweater with jeans. His blonde hair fell beautifully across his forehead and it took everything in Lu Han not to lean forward and run his hands on them to brush it to the side.
Kris cleared his throat and Lu Han blinked. There was an amused smile on Kris’ face that told him he’d been caught staring. Yet again. For someone he’s only met twice, he sure was losing face fast. And he was supposed to be a player. Players never get caught with drool dripping down their mouth. He was supposed to be cooler than that.
“Well, how can I help you, Mr. Wu?” Lu Han asked, clearing his throat slightly.
“Kris is fine,” Kris said, waving his hand and glancing around for a bit. “I only actually came by to see your store and take a bit of inventory at the kind of clothing that you do. But my mom likes and trusts Yixing so…” He shrugged. “Besides, I’ve heard good things about your clothes.”
Lu Han smiled. If there was one thing he was proud of, it was what he did and who he was in the fashion industry. He’d been called as one of the youngest up and coming fashion designers and his clothes had been worn by some of the entertainment industry’s finest, as well as some of the CEO’s and their families in the business sector. He knew his clothes were good and that was why he never really needed to say much in order to get a client to buy from him.
“That’s good to know,” Lu Han said, pleased. “I have some suits here that you may want to check out.” He stood up and brought over a rack with suits.
“There’s no need,” Kris said, shaking his head as he stood up. “I’ll have my measurements sent over along with my events schedule so you’ll know just what exactly I’ll need. I’ll be over whenever you need me to be fitted.”
“Very well,” Lu Han agreed, walking him to the door just as Yixing had come back. “It’s a pleasure to be doing business with you, Kris.” He raised his hand to shake his.
“The pleasure is mine,” Kris immediately responded, taking his hand and shaking it.
Lu Han smiled contentedly, knowing fully well that the next time they meet, Kris was going to ask him out. He was putting his hand down when Kris suddenly clasped them again, tugging him slightly closer to him.
“Maybe we could talk about this some more,” Kris suddenly said, “over dinner. Tonight, at the hotel.”
Lu Han blinked, almost gaping at him, for a second, before easing his face back into an easy smile. “I’ll be there,” he promised.
Kris gave him a small smile before walking out of the story. Yixing wiggled his eyebrows at him before following after Kris.
It took ten seconds before he managed to come to his senses and dialed Baekhyun’s number.
Lu Han pressed his back against the plush seat he was on and surveyed his surroundings. They were at the restaurant of the hotel, in one of the best seats in the place. They were placed on a small alcove on the side; private but had a great view of the stage, where a superb jazz band was playing.
It was evening and the lights in the restaurant were dimmed, only small pretty lights littering the place, creating a romantic atmosphere. He smiled as he watched all the other couples, all dressed up, enjoying their dinner. His eyes then drifted back to his date sitting across him, his eyes dancing, and a small smile on his face.
“You like it here?” Kris asked straightforwardly.
“Well,” Lu Han said thoughtfully, leaning forward, “I think it’s all too romantic for a first date. What if I’m not the type who likes romance?”
“What makes you think this is a date?” Kris challenged, lips quirking into a smirk.
Lu Han chuckled and he knew this pleased Kris with the way his eyes moved to look at his lips. He smiled. “I know your type, Kris,” he responded frankly. “And there’s only one reason that would make you bring someone to a place like this. There’s something in it for you.” Leaning back on his seat once more, his smile grew a bit wider. “So, you brought me here. The question is what’s in it for you?”
Kris sat there, not saying anything for a moment, and Lu Han suddenly started to wonder whether he’d said the wrong thing, whether he made a mistake in judgment. He was usually right in reading people, having dated so many guys in the past, and he was pretty sure he was right about Kris. He had dated his type before and he can’t be that far off with how he knew that other guy.
“You’re right,” Kris finally admitted with a short nod. “You’re right.” He smiled a little and licked his lower lip, an action that sent something hot down his body. “But the night is young.”
Their food arrived and Lu Han began to enjoy himself more than he expected. The food was delicious, more than he had thought it would be, the wine was perfect and the conversation was good. Kris was very articulate, as was predictable from someone of his background and education. He knew a lot of things from a variety of subjects, even the fashion industry. And so they touched on that, talking about the people that Lu Han’s worked with, people he’d come across, the best fashions shows that he attended. His eyes danced, as they always did when he was talking about something that he loved. He told them about his friends, Baekhyun, Kyungsoo and Jongdae.
Kris seemed like he was enjoying himself, too. And Lu Han wouldn’t have it any other way. Anyone who’s gone out with him had never complained of anything, only of having too much fun and it having to end so soon. It was one of his gifts, he believed, being able to make people at ease with his company and being able to talk about anything and everything. He wanted to smile with how Kris took in everything he said with sincerity and with his utmost attention. He also liked that Kris talked about himself, too, his family, his business, not holding himself back, but not revealing too much at the same time.
So they were at a romantic restaurant, but Lu Han was almost relieved to find out that Kris wasn’t one of the romantic and cheesy types. Well, not until he had poked at his food and held it out to Lu Han to taste.
Lu Han eyed the fork that was in front of him warily, but figured that if they were going to bed after this, it would be all worth it. He leaned forward, let his tongue out and slid his lips over the fork to eat the food offered to him. Kris put his hand down, clearly pleased and probably turned on by his little display. He smiled to himself because things were looking more and more promising for the rest of the evening.
Except his throat suddenly began to feel closed off. He tugged at the collar of his buttoned up shirt, unbuttoning the top two buttons when he didn’t feel any comfort. He started coughing and feeling hot and he knew he was turning red as rashes started sprouting out of his arms.
Kris was on his feet in a second, had carried him in two, and they were out of there in three.
“You could’ve told me you were allergic to shrimp,” Kris glared at him from beside the hospital bed. Lu Han merely gave him a sheepish smile. “Health is more important than sex,” he pointed out, rolling his eyes as he got the message.
“Looks like it, since I’m not getting any tonight,” Lu Han murmured drowsily due to the medicines given to him, shifting on the bed, trying to get comfortable.
Shrimps were probably the only things he was allergic to, have been allergic since he was a child. It was sad because he thought shrimps were delicious. His mother used to cook them a lot when his allergies still hadn’t manifested and he remembered devouring every bit of what she cooked for him back then. It was the perfect example of wanting something you can’t have and you just decide for yourself not to want them because it wasn’t good for you.
“Are you okay?” Kris’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Feeling better?”
Lu Han turned his head to look at Kris, still very handsome underneath all the concern on his face. “How many times have you been told that you were handsome?” he asked curiously.
Kris’s eyes widened a bit before smiling in hilarity. “Too many times to count,” he told him honestly.
“Me, too,” Lu Han admitted unabashedly. “I bet you like it. All the guys and girls fawning over you, wanting to ask you out and date you.”
“It’s bothersome,” Kris said, shaking his head.
“But you are handsome,” Lu Han giggled, making Kris’s eyebrows rise. He giggled some more before sobering up a bit. The medicines were really doing wonders for him. He wasn’t sure if he was sleepy or high or happy. “Don’t you get tired of it, though? I mean, sure it’s true, and people mean well, but don’t you start to think that maybe that’s all they see in you?”
Kris looked at him to maybe wonder if he was serious in his question. He pursed his lips for a second before he finally answered. “I just take it for what it is,” he told him. “Then I just show them that I am more than what they’re thinking, because I am.”
“That’s what I do, too,” Lu Han agreed, smiling and closing his eyes. He was quiet for a moment and Kris thought he had fallen asleep when he spoke again. “I’m sorry for tonight,” he mumbled. “You went through all that trouble to ask me out and instead of sex, you end up at the hospital.” He snuggled closer to his pillow, blinking his eyes open. “I’ll make it up to you,” he promised him before closing them again and falling into slumber.
“That tends to happen when he gets his shots,” a voice behind Kris spoke, making him jump. He turned around in his seat. “You must be Kris.”
“And you are?” Kris wanted to know.
“I’m Lu Han’s best friend, Baekhyun,” he introduced himself. Kris looked at the other male behind him and greeted him when he recognized Yixing.
“Is he okay?” Yixing asked, moving to Lu Han’s bedside.
“He’s just knocked out with the drugs,” Kris explained. “I’m really sorry for this. I didn’t know that he was allergic to shrimp.”
“Lu Han’s usually very careful, though,” Baekhyun said, looking confused as he glanced at his friend’s sleeping form. “He never makes a mistake when it comes to his food.”
Kris cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I, er, I fed it to him,” he shared.
Baekhyun raised his eyebrows, while Yixing tried to hide a laugh behind his mouth.
“Well then,” was Yixing’s only comment.
“I’m sure he’s apologized to you though for the other thing…?” Baekhyun asked, cheeks slightly tingeing pink for the question.
“What—oh!” Kris sputtered, coughing a bit. “Yeah, I wasn’t really—it’s fine.”
“You should go, though,” Baekhyun assured him, chuckling. “We’ll take care of him. Thank you for bringing him to the hospital as soon as you could.”
“Yeah, I’ll just…” Kris’s eyes found Lu Han sleeping peacefully on the bed. “I’ll see you guys around.”
Baekhyun sat down on the edge of the bed as Yixing sat down on the seat that Kris had emptied once it was just the two of them.
“Well…?” Lu Han sat up and smiled. “He’s really cute, right?”
Yixing rolled his eyes and sat back on his seat. “You’re some piece of work you know that? The man was genuinely worried about you. I hope you didn’t intend to get allergies just to know that he actually cares,” he chastised him.
“Of course I didn’t mean to get allergies,” Lu Han contradicted him, frowning. “I hate getting allergies. But it’s served its purpose.” He smiled excitedly. “You should have seen how he lifted me up without so much as batting an eyelash and whisked me away. It was very manly and hot.”
“And now he thinks you’re this frail little princess, who needs to be protected, not manhandled like I know you want him to,” Baekhyun pointed out.
“I’m no princess,” Lu Han bit out, crossing his arms on his chest.
“Sure you’re not,” Yixing teased disbelievingly. “You’re just waiting for your prince charming to come and sweep you off your feet.”
Lu Han made a face at him and even poked his tongue out like the 25-year old male that he was. He lied back down and pretended to go back to bed. Maybe if he ignored what Yixing said, it would make it untrue.
Lu Han fixed the cuffs of the sleeves of the suit, taking a bit of a step back to assess the correctness of the length. When he felt satisfied with it, he moved on to the other arm and made sure that the two lengths were aligned.
“Your concentration is fascinating,” Kris interrupted the silence that had engulfed them once Lu Han set to work.
Lu Han paused from where he was bent over, checking the hemline of the suit, and straightened up to look at him. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he watched Kris meet his eyes. “Fascinating,” he wanted to know as he bit his lower lip, “or sexy?”
Kris didn’t say answer, merely smiling and turning his attention elsewhere. His eyes found Baekhyun practically biting his finger off. He was staring into space and looked like he was going into shock any minute.
Kris nodded towards him, lightly nudging Lu Han. “I think your friend’s about to have a heart attack over there,” he mentioned.
Lu Han sighed impassively and didn’t even bother looking at Baekhyun. “He has some dating issues,” he shared blandly. It was all Baekhyun ever talked about anymore. It was almost as if it was taking over his life. Honestly, love wasn’t the most important thing in the world. The world had survived without love.
“I have this cousin who’s interested in dating,” Kris said casually, dusting off some lint on the leg of his slacks. “I don’t know if he’s Baekhyun’s type but maybe it could help—.”
Lu Han had put a finger up to keep him from talking some more. He then grabbed Kris’s hand and pulled him to the end of the store, where the fitting rooms where. He shoved Kris into one and followed after him.
“Is this where we make-out?” Kris asked teasingly.
Lu Han rolled his eyes. “You wish,” he said. “Now, this friend of yours… what does he look like? Can you describe him to me?”
“I can show you instead,” Kris said, taking out his phone. He clicked on a button and Lu Han clucked his tongue impatiently as Kris scrolled through a couple of photos before stopping and handing him the phone. “His name’s Chanyeol and—.”
“He’s perfect,” Lu Han announced, smiling widely. He bit his lip for a second, thinking quickly. He looked at Kris, who had an expectant look on his face. “So listen, Baekhyun’s never going to go for a blind date. He’s scared and finicky like that. But I know he’s his type. What we need to do is to show him a picture somehow and get him to choose him.”
“Can’t you just show him his picture?” Kris asked. “We can show it to him now.”
Lu Han shook his head. “Baekhyun’s far too proud to ask his best friends for help,” he told him. He remembered one incident where he’d set Baekhyun up with some guy named Daehyun, who was pretty hot in Lu Han’s opinion, except Baekhyun got really mad because he said he could get a date on his own thankyouverymuch. But then, the next week, Lu Han saw him out and about with some guy that he was sure one of their old classmates had set him up with.
“So how do you plan to get him to go out with Chanyeol?” Kris wanted to know, looking confused.
“Do you think Chanyeol would be averse to the idea of posing as an escort and having his picture in a catalogue?” Lu Han happily questioned, feeling very proud of his ingenious idea.
“Maybe I should show Chanyeol Baekhyun’s picture first so he knows if this is something he wants to get into,” Kris finally decided, not really wanting to say no to Lu Han’s excited face.
“That’s perfect!” Lu Han said, reaching up and wrapping his arms around his neck in a hug.
Kris was still for a second, but before he could get around to wrapping his own arms around him, Lu Han was already out of the fitting room and was on the phone, talking to Jongdae.
Lu Han glanced at Kris as they drove farther and farther away from Exo Hotel. Kris had asked to meet up at the hotel, thinking that they were going to hang out there as they always did. They had been going out almost every day, having lunch or dinner mostly at the hotel since Kris did have to work. But when he’d arrived at the hotel earlier, he was whisked away in his black Mercedes Benz to a destination he wasn’t sure where.
“If you’re kidnapping me…” Lu Han slightly warned him, his hand on his mobile phone.
“No one’s going to care,” Kris confidently responded. “I think your friends would be happy to be rid of you for one day.” Lu Han poked his tongue out at him. “So mature,” he teased.
“Seriously,” Lu Han persisted. “Where are you taking me?”
“You’ll see,” Kris mysteriously replied.
Kris is kidnapping me. Help. Lu Han sent to Baekhyun, Jongdae and Kyungsoo.
He wasn’t really bothered that Kris was whisking him away on an adventure. What he was worried about was the fact that he and Kris had been spending so much time together, time that Lu Han greatly enjoyed. He wasn’t sure where the lines between them were anymore. And they hadn’t even been remotely physical with each other yet. And yet the lines were disappearing. His walls were crumbling down. He wasn’t sure what to think about that.
His mobile phone vibrated thrice.
Be safe. Lu Han could almost hear Jongdae’s cackle.
Good. Baekhyun was never really one of his nicer friends.
Have fun! Even Kyungsoo didn’t care!
Lu Han deleted every single one of their replies and wanted to throw his phone out of the window.
He leaned his head back and looked out of the window. It was only then that he realized where they were headed.
“Why are we going to the airport?” Lu Han demanded.
To say that Lu Han was astonished was an understatement. Sure he knew that Kris was very wealthy and could do anything he wanted to, even if it was just a whim. But he didn’t think that Kris would carry that clout over to their dates.
Kris had them flown to Jeju Island just so they could have a walk and a picnic by Cheonjiyeon Waterfall. Astonished didn’t even cover half of what Lu Han was feeling.
Lu Han shot Kris a look that made the taller male smile sheepishly.
“I was thinking we could do something different,” Kris explained. “We’re always having dinner at the hotel and I didn’t think it was fair to you.”
“And you think this is fair?” Lu Han looked almost hysterical. “You brought me to Jeju Island to have dinner.”
At that moment, the lights in the pathway and around the waterfall suddenly lighted up and they were awash with pretty fairy lights, making everything twice as romantic.
Lu Han opened his mouth as if to berate Kris further but his words were caught in his throat when he saw how beautiful the waterfall was all lighted up. He sighed, almost dreamily, and shot Kris a look before taking his hand in his and continuing their walk.
“You really didn’t have to do this,” Lu Han insisted as they ate.
Although, secretly, he was elated that Kris was being all romantic for him. He hated comparing, but none of the others he’d gone out with had gone to such lengths to woo him—not that Kris was wooing him, of course. And, even if he was, so what? He wasn’t woo-able.
Kris merely smiled knowingly and reached out to feed him. Lu Han stared at the food on the fork then at him.
“It’s not shrimp, I promise,” Kris assured him.
“What time did you come home last night?” Baekhyun demanded accusingly as Lu Han stumbled into his studio, still a bit sleepy from staying up late the night before.
Lu Han and Kris had gotten home pretty late because Lu Han insisted on staying a bit longer because he wanted to cherish the moment some more. Kris had willingly obliged, despite the fact that he had a 9 o’clock meeting the following morning.
Jongdae chuckled as Lu Han squished himself in between him and Kyungsoo on the couch. “Where did you guys go?” he asked.
“Cheonjiyeon Waterfall,” Lu Han answered. He then straightened up and glared at them. “You guys are such great friends by the way! Is that what you’ll do when I actually get kidnapped—.”
“At Jeju Island?!” Baekhyun and Jongdae interrupted him at the same time. The two exchanged a look before looking at Lu Han expectantly. Kyungsoo smiled in pleasant surprise.
“Yeah,” Lu Han said. “He wanted to surprise me.”
Jongdae whistled. “That’s some surprise,” he remarked.
“You look like you enjoyed it,” Baekhyun commented, staring at him.
“Why wouldn’t he?” Kyungsoo wanted to know.
“Well, of course I did,” Lu Han declared. “He brought me to Jeju Island just because he wanted to have dinner some place else because he thought it was only fair to me. I mean, who does that?”
“Kris, apparently,” Jongdae snickered.
“I’m just saying,” Baekhyun shrugged. “You look like you enjoy being with Kris.”
Lu Han then hesitated because he knew just what Baekhyun was implying. He and Baekhyun had known each other far too long for Baekhyun not to notice how he was changing.
“They’re just dates,” Lu Han said, playing with his fingers.
“But you like him, don’t you?” Kyungsoo asked, ever the romantic. “I mean all the things he does for you. It’s impossible that you don’t.”
“Of course Lu Han likes him,” Baekhyun cut in, his gaze not wavering from Lu Han. “He’d be lying if he said he didn’t.”
Lu Han merely coughed. “So why are we here?” he wanted to know, glaring at Baekhyun, who called them for a very important meeting, expectantly.
Baekhyun bit his lower lip for a second, as if contemplating whether to further berate Lu Han, but decided against it. Baekhyun stood up and began pacing in front of them. He had his lips pursed in a very serious and imperative matter. Lu Han could practically hear Baekhyun thinking and he just had to groan once again when he realized why they were all here.
“Please don’t tell me this is about—,” Lu Han started to speak.
“As you all know, I’m still dateless for our high school reunion,” Baekhyun spoke, interrupting Lu Han mindlessly, and Lu Han wanted to stand up and strangle his best friend for making him lose his beauty sleep over his dating life. “And I just wanted to get more of your input—.”
“I can’t believe I cancelled rehearsals for this!” Jongdae wanted to claw his eyes out and maybe Baekhyun’s as well. “You said it was something important!” He stood up and dusted his pants off then grabbed his bag on the side of the couch.
“But this is important!” Baekhyun called after him as he made his way to the door. “I’m Class Heartthrob! The class heartthrob can’t attend without a date!” He turned to Kyungsoo, who was also standing up to leave. “Kyungsoo!” he practically begged.
“Sorry, Baek,” Kyungsoo looked apologetic. “But it’s pretty busy at the coffee shop.” He followed Jongdae to the door.
“You should just hire a date!” Jongdae yelled from the door before slamming it shut.
Baekhyun frowned after them then turned to Lu Han who was glaring at him from beneath his sleepy eyelids. “Lu Han, you’ve got to help me!” he pleaded.
Lu Han closed his eyes and sighed. Baekhyun had been fretting over not having a date since they’d received the invitation over three weeks ago. It was really interesting, or maybe more strange, that his best friend still hadn’t found a date when he was perfectly appealing. He was also nice and very fun to be with. If he weren’t so grossed out over the fact that Baekhyun was practically like a brother to him, he would go out and date him himself. But Lu Han knew what the problem was. Baekhyun wasn’t just looking for a date. He was looking for love, too.
The word love always made Lu Han wanting to roll his eyes. It was such an overused word, so overrated, and highly complicated that he wondered why anyone would want to get into it at all. It was one of those worldly mysteries that he’d always wondered about, but never really wanted to understand.
“Baekhyun,” Lu Han began, sitting up feebly, a hand gently massaging his forehead, “why don’t you take Jongdae’s advice? It’s perfectly fine to—.”
“You’re one to talk about taking advice,” Baekhyun scoffed. Lu Han looked surprised at this outburst and Baekhyun immediately looked contrite. “Sorry, I’m just really stressed over this.” He took a deep breath then turned to Lu Han once more. “But, you know, you should really think about you and Kris.”
“Baek, you know that I’m not—,” Lu Han started to say. He was getting tired of all the ribbing that he was getting about him and Kris.
“Lu Han, seriously,” Baekhyun insisted. “I know I’m not Yixing, but it’s not wrong to be honest with me. I mean, are we best friends for nothing?”
Lu Han’s eyes widened at Baekhyun looking truly hurt. He reached out and pulled Baekhyun to sit beside him on the couch.
“Are you being serious?” Luhan put an arm around him and squeezed him. “Of course we’re not best friends for nothing.”
Baekhyun merely pouted and Lu Han sighed. Normally Lu Han would be all over Baekhyun over something like this, but he wasn’t going to be this time around. He knew that Baekhyun cared about him and that Baekhyun wanted Luhan to be honest with himself more than anything.
But what could he say about this weird thing he had going on with Kris? It wasn’t like he knew exactly what was going on.
“You like him,” Baekhyun interrupted his thoughts, “more than you did any of the others.”
Lu Han sighed, running his hand up and down Baekhyun’s arm. “Maybe.”
“Maybe is a good start,” Baekhyun said, snuggling closer to him.
Maybe was probably a good start. But what came after that?
“I can’t believe you’re leaving so soon!” Lu Han whined as they hauled Yixing’s bag from the car. There was a pout on his face that was starting to be permanent as it had been there ever since Yixing had told him the other day that he needed to go home.
“Lu, I was never meant to stay long,” Yixing explained for what he felt like was the hundredth time. He carried his backpack and turned to face his childhood best friend. “Look, you don’t need me here,” he began and raised his hand to stop Lu Han from interrupting when he opened his mouth to do so. “You don’t need me here and I’m not saying that to be dramatic or anything like that. I’m telling you because it’s true. You’re strong and you know what you want. You have friends who look out for you even if you don’t want them to.” He glanced at Baekhyun, who was at the wheel of the car, waiting for Lu Han to get back.
Lu Han hesitated and stared him straight in the eyes. “Maybe you shouldn’t have come,” he finally stated.
Instead of looking hurt or upset by this, Yixing looked amused. “You are not sorry that you met Kris because of me,” he said decidedly.  The smile on his face grew bigger when Lu Han stayed silent and merely pursed his lips.
After that grand date in Jeju Island, Lu Han started to reevaluate things. Despite what he’d said to Baekhyun, he decided that it was all too much for him, the regular dates, the grand gestures… he didn’t think he was ready for what it could represent.
“What is so wrong about him?” Yixing then asked when he continued to stay quiet. “Isn’t this something that’s up in your alley? You meet a hot guy, you go out on dates, have sex, wash, rinse, repeat and then discard when you get tired?”
Lu Han felt like he should be hurt with how Yixing had so bluntly elaborated how he dealt with his relationships, but couldn’t because it was all true. He had that habit of meeting them and seeing them only when it was still convenient for him. And, honestly, right now, Kris had edged away to the inconvenient side much too soon for his taste. And that’s surprising, considering, they haven’t even done anything remotely physical yet.
“You’ll be late,” Lu Han muttered, pushing him towards the airport doors. But he changed his mind and suddenly pulled Yixing to a hug. “Please don’t let it be 10 years before you come see me again.”
“Hey! Why can you not make it 10 years before we see each other?” Yixing complained when they’d pulled away.
“Please call me when you land that way I’ll know that you’re alive or something,” Lu Han laughed lightly, fixing the collar of his shirt. “Say hi to Qian for me.”
“I will,” Yixing chuckled, pulling him in for another hug. When they pulled away, he looked Lu Han in the eyes. “Not all of life is a fairytale, Lu Han,” he started to say. Lu Han squirmed away from his grasp, but Yixing held him still. “But just because it isn’t, doesn’t mean you can’t experience it,” he pressed. “Not everyone is going to hurt you. But you won’t know who won’t if you don’t try.”
“Stop,” Lu Han pushed him once again, chuckling as Yixing stumbled. “Giving advice doesn’t suit you. Please call me when you land.”
“Lu Han,” Yixing tried again.
“I hear you, Yixing,” Lu Han cut him off impatiently.
Yixing gave him a look, one that showed the breadth of their many years of friendship, before he nodded and left to go to his gate.
Later on, on their way home, Lu Han looked out of the window and watched the scenery go past them. Baekhyun kept on glancing at him, not really used to him being so quiet and pensive, but he decided not to ask any questions.
Yixing’s words were swirling in Lu Han’s head. Of course Yixing knew exactly what Lu Han was thinking, exactly how he thought. Yixing was always the one who told things straight to his face, not that Baekhyun nor Jongdae didn’t do that. Except Baekhyun or Jongdae didn’t really know some of the deepest secrets of his heart and he didn’t care to tell them because he didn’t want them to think of him any differently than they do. He was Lu Han, who was fun, eccentric and someone who dated around. He quite liked the fact that his friends thought of him as a social butterfly. Butterflies were pretty and carefree and that was just how he wanted to remain.
The High School reunion was in full swing and everyone seemed to be having fun. Lu Han eyed Baekhyun who was talking animatedly to old acquaintances with the handsome Chanyeol by his side. If only for that, Lu Han thought that the reunion was a success.
He walked around, saying hi and stopping to chat with people he remembered having classes with when he felt someone bump him from behind.
Lu Han sighed, almost irately, and turned around to face Kris, who looked surprised. “You don’t have to keep on following me everywhere,” he snapped at him.
“I haven’t been following you everywhere,” Kris reminded him, eyebrows raised, almost in amusement. “This is actually the first time we’ve stood side by side ever since we arrived.” He glanced around, taking in the high school reunion banner hanging from the ceiling, before turning his attention back to Lu Han.
Lu Han opened his mouth and closed it again, realizing that Kris was right. As soon as they had arrived at the reunion, he practically ditched Kris and went off to look for Baekhyun and his date. After which, he had walked around, looking for Jongdae, only to find out that he wasn’t actually coming, before finally seeing Kyungsoo sitting by himself at the bar. They talked for a bit before he got swept away by a couple of old friends, who wanted to catch up with him. When he remembered that he actually had a date, he found Kris on the other side of the room, by the buffet table, chatting with some other people.
“Why did you bring me here if you didn’t actually want to bring me?” Kris then demanded, his mouth now in a tight line.
There were a ton of other questions behind that question and Lu Han knew it as much as Kris did. Right after that first date at the hotel, somehow, they managed to squeeze in a couple more dates. And it was funny because Lu Han had high standards for a date. None whom he’d ever gone out before had come so close to that. Because dates to him meant really good conversation and one that made him laugh and made him remember it afterwards. It didn’t even have to have sex at the end of it. And that was what all how he remembered his times out with Kris. They were all dates, all too perfect, because he remembered them all. Because Kris was funny and articulate and he listened to him. Because they really talked and it felt like there was nothing expected of him afterwards.
All such things were wonderful things. But they scared Lu Han, too. It’s been so long, so long, since he’d had such an amazing time with one person that he’d almost forgotten what it felt like to actually like someone.
But Lu Han had his habits, things he’d ingrained in himself for as long as he could remember, that he couldn’t just stop them. He’d been giving Kris mixed signals, he knew that, but he couldn’t stop himself from seeing other people just so he wouldn’t get too used to Kris and being around him all the time. That was how he got out of complications; he got up and saw other people. But Kris was making it so hard for him to leave him.
If he were to honestly answer Kris’ question, he brought him to the reunion because he’s exactly the kind of guy that he would bring to a gathering like that, where people knew him growing up. He’s someone he could show off and be proud of being with. Because,maybe, he’s someone he actually wanted to be with.
“You don’t have to be here, you know,” was Lu Han’s retort instead. He turned to leave. “I’ll leave with Kyungsoo so you don’t have to bother about bringing me home.”
He was halfway on the other side of the room, thinking of escaping to the stairwell for a bit, when Kris caught up with him with his long strides and actually brought him to the stairwell. The grip on his arm was tight and hurt him but he wasn’t going to act like it did because he wasn’t someone anyone could just push around, not even Kris.
“What the hell is your problem?” Lu Han demanded, untangling his arm from his vice-grip and pushed him off. “This is my high school reunion. You can’t just grab me and pull me away like—.”
“You listen to me,” Kris interrupted him, his voice booming, and making Lu Han jump. He calmed down at this and took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Lu Han,” he began again in a gentler manner. “I just want to understand you. I want to understand what we’re doing.” He paused and took another deep breath. “I just—.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Lu Han spoke, not letting him finish. He found Kris’ eyes on him, wide and surprised. “Let’s go to your place.”
“That’s not what I’m asking from you,” Kris replied in frustration. He ran a hand through his hair and Lu Han had to stop himself from reaching out and smoothing it down.
“You don’t have to play coy with me,” Lu Han scoffed, managing to roll his eyes. He unhurriedly approached him, his hands reaching for the necktie and playing with him, pulling Kris closer. His breath ghosted on Kris’ lips and he could feel him stiffen. Smiling a little, he leaned up to his ear. “I know you want me,” he whispered, his tongue lightly lining the shell of his ear before gently bringing it in between his teeth.
Kris shuddered, his hands on Lu Han’s hips tightening their hold, and Lu Han had to smile. But before he could move forward, Kris’ hold on his hips loosened as he pushed him away. Lu Han blinked up at him.
“No,” Kris told him firmly. “No, we’re not going to my place and no, I’m not playing coy with you.”
The no, I don’t want you hung so close to his lips that Lu Han found his heart clenching. No one’s ever rejected him before. No one. And for Kris to be the one to do so… Lu Han laughed and half-shrugged.
“Okay then,” Lu Han stated. “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”
His hand was on the doorknob when he stopped and glanced back. Kris was leaning against the way, his eyes closed. He wondered if there was something more he could say, but decided against it and left, closing the door behind him.
There was nothing more there.
Lu Han lounged around in the apartment. He watched some television, mindlessly flipping channels, not really looking at what was on. It was the middle of the week, but he decided not to come into work that day because there were a lot of things on his mind. He just really wanted to stop thinking and just relax and be.
He heard the apartment door open and looked back when Kyungsoo crossed the living room to go to the kitchen. He turned the TV off, got up from the couch and followed him.
“Hey,” Lu Han greeted, taking a seat and watching as Kyungsoo filled their cupboards with the groceries that he bought.
Kyungsoo immediately stopped working and turned to Lu Han. “What’s wrong?” he wanted to know.
“What makes you think there’s something wrong?” Lu Han made a face at him and traced the non-existent patterns on the table with his fingers. “I can’t say hey anymore?”
“Well, you can,” Kyungsoo said, taking a seat across from him and completely abandoning filling up their cupboards, “but you never really do unless there’s something bothering you.” Lu Han made another face at him, which he ignored. “So what is it?”
“Do you want to have dinner out?” Lu Han asked, side-stepping the question. “There’s this new Japanese restaurant I’ve been dying to try out and Baekhyun’s probably out with his boyfriend who’s not really his boyfriend.”
“It’s nice to know that I’m second choice to Baekhyun,” Kyungsoo pointed out.
“Third, actually,” Lu Han corrected him. “I already asked Jongdae but he’s busy with recording.” He gave Kyungsoo a sweet smile. “So… Japanese dinner? On me? What do you say?” Kyungsoo hesitated and the words were out of Lu Han’s mouth before he could stop himself. “Please don’t reject me, too.”
Kyungsoo was silent for a moment and Lu Han knew that he had caught his slip. He wondered if he should say anything to attempt to cover it up when Kyungsoo nodded.
“I’m actually going to the dance studio to see Junmyeon,” Kyungsoo finally agreed. “You can hang out with us then maybe we can all go out for dinner. Sehun’s going to be there.”
Lu Han’s eyes lighted up at this. He’d met Sehun a couple of weeks back and had hung out with him on occasion. He missed the cute kid and was excited to see him again.
“Okay, that’s great!” Lu Han practically gushed, his earlier demeanor suddenly forgotten.
“You do know that Junmyeon is worried you’ll hurt Sehun, don’t you?” Kyungsoo reminded him.
“But I’m not going to hurt Sehun,” Lu Han assured him with a wave of his hand.
“This is really good,” Lu Han stated excitedly as he took more sips of the purple liquid with balls. “Really good.”
Sehun, his chin resting on his hand, watched him in amusement as he continued to drown himself in bubble tea. Lu Han had looked a bit down and he figured that the other male could use some cheering up, although he never really said anything. Because that was how it was with Lu Han. They talked, but didn’t really talk about the deep and emotional stuff.
“I’m glad you enjoy it,” Sehun chuckled. “There’s more where that came from.” He nodded towards the counter, where the phone number of the bubble tea store was placed. “They’re open until 12 midnight.”
“Greatest news I’ve ever heard,” Lu Han hummed. Then he paused and frowned. “Hey, I thought I was treating you out for dinner tonight. What happened with that plan?” When they’d reached the dance studio, Kyungsoo and Junmyeon started talking and he approached Sehun. And then suddenly they were going their separate ways.
Sehun and Lu Han decided to hang out in Sehun’s apartment.
“Actually, I think the plan was you would treat Kyungsoo,” Sehun corrected him with a smile, leaning back more comfortably on the sofa. The TV flickered on them, but they weren’t really paying attention. “But he and Junmyeon are going out on a date so you don’t exactly want to be a third wheel. So you’re here with me.”
“You make it sound like I made you my second choice,” Lu Han pouted, looking offended. He placed his bubble tea on the table and curled up on the couch, facing Sehun. He reached for his hand and squeezed it. “Which you’re not, okay?”
“Of course I’m not,” Sehun rolled his eyes, indulging him and allowing Lu Han to hold his hand. “But can I ask a question?”
“What is it?” Lu Han agreed expectantly.
“Why are you not out with Kris tonight?” Sehun inquired straightforwardly. “You guys have been going out for a while now and I can tell that you really like—.”
Lu Han shook his head to stop him from talking. “It wasn’t working out,” he explained with a smile and another squeeze of Sehun’s hand. “You know how it is.”
“No, not really,” Sehun said. “How is it like?”
Lu Han sighed and closed his eyes for a bit. He should’ve known that Sehun wasn’t going to let this go. They’d become pretty close in the short amount of time that they’d known each other and Sehun was slowly edging his way into the boundary of friendship he kept with only Yixing, Baekhyun, Jongdae and Kyungsoo in it. Sehun always asked questions and he’d always dodged them, preferring to talk about Sehun’s life instead. This time, though, he felt like Sehun was going to keep on pushing this until he actually found some answers.
“Kris and I didn’t really click,” Lu Han lied. “And it’s hard to continue seeing someone when you feel like there’s nothing there.” He opened his mouth to explain—lie—some more when Sehun gave him a pointed look. And he knew that Sehun knew he was lying.
But before Sehun could say anything, Lu Han pulled Sehun closer and kissed him.
“I’m not seeing the problem,” Jongdae voiced out in the midst of all the music sheets placed haphazardly in front of him. He wrote and rewrote down a couple of notes and lyrics before looking up to where Lu Han was standing by the window and to where Baekhyun was seated by the sofa watching him curiously.
“You never see the problem,” Kyungsoo called from the kitchen. “You only see notes and lyrics and words.”
Jongdae let out a huff. “It’s tough being a Hallyu star, okay?” he whined. “It’s a lot of work!”
Kyungsoo made a noise that sounded very much like a snort, which Jongdae chose to ignore.
“Lu,” Baekhyun began gently. He’s never really been sure how to deal with a Lu Han who wasn’t vibrant and happy and carefree because Lu Han was never really sad or upset about anything. Or at least he never showed them enough for them to be concerned. Not like now, not like this. “What’s really wrong? I’m sure Kris would be fine that you kissed Sehun and I’m sure Sehun knows that—.”
Lu Han turned and faced them. Baekhyun shut his mouth, while Jongdae sat up straight, his music forgotten for a moment.
“That’s exactly the problem,” Lu Han emphasized. “Kris wouldn’t be fine with me kissing Sehun.”
Jongdae blinked and Baekhyun opened his mouth to say something before deciding against it because he was unsure. They exchanged a look before turning to Lu Han, who was facing the window once more.
“I think that’s a good thing,” Jongdae shared, although he sounded unsure. “If Kris is jealous then that would mean that he actually—.”
“Has feelings for you,” Baekhyun finished for him, his eyes on Lu Han. “And you don’t want that, do you, Lu Han?”
“Why wouldn’t he?” Jongdae wanted to know, frowning at Baekhyun. “Kris is a great guy, far greater than other of the other guys he’s been with in the past. It’s not just that Kris is rich and handsome. It’s also that he actually cares about Lu Han. He looks out for him and asks how he is and actually talks to him. He even makes an effort to get to know us and tries to befriend us because he knows we’re important to Lu Han and—.”
“I’m right here, you know,” Lu Han interrupted his tirade. He looked at Jongdae and Baekhyun, an amused smile on his face.
“What’s wrong with that, Lu Han?” Baekhyun then asked. “I mean, you’ve wanted a guy to come along and be that prince charming you’ve always been dreaming of.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Lu Han lied, his voice a whisper.
Jongdae scoffed. “Of course you do,” he corrected him. “You say you hate Disney movies and fairytale endings, but in reality you’re the one who wants it the most. You want it in perfection, too, and you want it in heaps of forever, and, while that’s not entirely possible in this day and age, here’s Kris, who’s everything you could ever want and yet you don’t want him.”
Lu Han shook his head. “No, he’s the one who doesn’t want me,” he stated.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Baekhyun blurted out. “It’s so obvious that he wants you, that he likes you. Everyone can see it.”
“You mean, like you see how we can all see that you’re already in love with Chanyeol and yet you keep on denying it?” Kyungsoo blurted out as he came out of the kitchen with a tray of sandwiches. He placed them on the table and sat down beside Baekhyun, whose cheeks tinged pink.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Baekyhun grumbled, shoving his elbow on Kyungsoo’s stomach.
Jongdae rolled his eyes and looked at Lu Han. “So what brought forth this nonsense about Kris not wanting you?”
“He… he just doesn’t want me,” Lu Han said. “I’m sure of it.”
“Did you come onto him and he said no?” Jongdae teased.
Lu Han turned red, which was probably the first time they had all seen him do so, and they were all shocked. Lu Han was the epitome of confidence and power in relationships and seeing him so unsure about someone was just astounding.
“Wow,” Jongdae continued in amazement. “I never thought I’d see the day the great Lu Han ever gets rejected.”
“No need to be so happy about it,” Lu Han grumbled, finally taking a seat beside Baekhyun and leaning his head on his shoulder. Baekhyun readily accommodated him, earlier embarrassment forgotten, and put his arm around Lu Han, bringing him closer.
“But this is a good thing, Lu Han,” Kyungsoo insisted, speaking for the first time. Lu Han shot him a questioning look. “I agree with Baek and Jongdae that Kris really likes you. I think him rejecting you, which I think isn’t really a rejection, is his way of showing you that he likes you more than your body or something.”
Baekhyun sighed when Lu Han didn’t say anything. “Will you just hear him out when he asks you to talk to him? I’m sure he’s been calling and calling you for ages and I bet you haven’t been answering.”
“Fine,” Lu Han finally agreed. “I’ll answer his call and hear him out. On one condition.” He shifted in his seat to pull away from Baekhyun and look at him properly. Baekhyun looked uncomfortable and hoped that what he was going to ask him wasn’t something related to Chanyeol. “You have to get me a new phone.”
“What?” Baekhyun asked, confused. Jongdae then started laughing and then Kyungsoo followed. “I don’t get it.”
“You threw his phone out the window,” Jongdae jogged his memory. “Or you tried to.”
Baekhyun’s eyes widened when the incident of him throwing Lu Han’s phone at Jongdae’s closed apartment window flashed back to him. It was one of his diva moments where he wanted to be the center of attention and Lu Han kept on texting on his phone.
“I’m sorry,” Baekhyun got off from the couch and started dialing on his own phone. “I’m going to order you one right now.”
Lu Han chuckled and lied back down on the couch, his back facing everyone. He would have to face Kris no matter what he did. Kris had been calling the phone in his store when he found out that Lu Han’s phone was missing in action. He even came by a couple of times to get him to talk to him, but every time he came by, he was busy with a customer, for which he’d been grateful for. But maybe it was time for him to come forward and allow that conversation to happen. It had to, sooner or later.

Sooner came faster than later and Lu Han was finally cornered at Exo Hotel’s garden, where he ran to when Kris started to approach him. Lu Han was in the hotel as a favor for Yixing to drop off the things that Yixing’s mom had wanted to give Kris’ mom. He’d argued with Yixing for about an hour before he finally agreed, deciding that he could probably drop the stuff off at the concierge and make a hasty exit. But he was out of luck. Kris was at the lobby when he arrived.
Lu Han let out a breath, puffing his cheeks out, as he turned around and faced Kris. He had half the mind to close his eyes because Kris looked amazing, as he always did, and it wouldn’t help his case if he had to deny someone like that from his life. Because it was better for everyone in the long run.
Kris opened his mouth to speak.
“Let me talk first,” Lu Han pleaded, holding a hand up. “I want to apologize for what I said…” He shook his head and corrected himself. “I mean, what I did, I’m sorry. I didn’t—I wasn’t thinking and I just—.”
“Stop,” Kris interrupted. He took a couple of steps towards him until he could touch him. “I know what you’re going to say.” He took another step forward and tilted Lu Han’s face towards his with a gentle finger. “And I’m simply not going to allow it.”
“Not going to allow what?” Lu Han wanted to know breathlessly. He followed as Kris’ eyes went from looking at him to looking at his lips and he began to feel the tremble starting to rack up his body.
“I’m not going to allow you to talk me out of this, out of wanting you,” Kris said. “I shouldn’t have let you leave last time. I should’ve made it clear to you that I—.”
Lu Han shook his head. “It’s fine. You don’t have to explain,” he hurriedly assured him, trying to take a step back. Their too close proximity made him feel heady and he felt the need to back away to breathe. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I didn’t, but I hurt you,” Kris said, allowing Lu Han to step away. “And that wasn’t my intention. I don’t ever want to hurt—.”
“You’re not—you didn’t,” Lu Han promised him, smiling a little and then managing a chuckle. “Look,” he started to say, “I’m not trying to talk you out of anything. I’m just telling you that this is who I am. I’m not…I don’t do steady relationships. I’m not someone you can expect to come home at a certain time of the night. I don’t like reporting to anyone where I am. I don’t like being told what to do. I’m not—.”
“I don’t expect any of that from you,” Kris interrupted firmly. “I don’t want to change you.” The steady look that Lu Han gave him made Kris hold his breath. There was an assessment in his gaze and one that made him wonder what Lu Han was thinking.
Lu Han smiled, almost mockingly. “Everyone wants change,” he finally spoke. “And, if you think that you’re going to be content with being with me the way I am now, you’re mistaken. Because I’m going to disappoint and hurt you over and over again that you’ll get tired.”
“Lu Han, why won’t you just—?” Kris tried to reason and took another step forward.
“I kissed Sehun,” Lu Han sharply cut him off, taking a step back in turn. He chuckled when Kris clenched his fists. “After that night, I thought we agreed that we were done. And we are. So I moved on.”
Lu Han took a couple of steps back until he could move around Kris and make his way back towards the hotel. His hands were shaking and clenching them was all he could do to keep from showing it. He was practically choking the words out of his mouth and it wasn’t something he was proud of, but he had to do it because it was true. He wasn’t someone meant for serious relationships. If he tried and he failed, he was only going to break Kris’ heart further and that wasn’t something he meant to do to anyone. That was why he got out before anyone got hurt.
Strangely enough, he’s never felt this conflicted before, but he chocked it up to the fact that Kris was being so difficult about it. None of the others had stopped him like Kris did, none of them even bat an eyelash when he told them he was tired and moving on. Because that was the deal from the beginning, that was his condition.
A hand clamped on his wrist and he jumped. Turning around, he saw Kris with a pleading look.
“Please, let go of me,” Lu Han appealed. His defenses were starting to crumble and he wasn’t sure he’d be able to say no anymore if they did. “Please.
And for the second time, Kris let him walk away.
He felt out of breath as soon as he managed to get out of Kris’ earshot. He fumbled through his phone as he went through his contacts list.
“Sehun,” he mumbled. “Can you come get me?”
“What happened?” Jongdae asked as soon as he stepped into Sehun’s apartment. He didn’t even bother taking his coat off and just went straight to the couch where Lu Han was asleep. Lu Han’s cheek was resting on his hand and he looked deep into slumber. He took a seat on the edge of the sofa and rested a gentle hand on Lu Han’s arm.
“He called and I picked him up,” Sehun hastily explained. “Then he wanted to drink and…” He trailed away, letting out a breath as he scratched the back of his neck. “He doesn’t usually get drunk like this, but I don’t know what happened. After three glasses of Soju, he was swaying and I… I tried calling Baekhyun but he was busy. I figured he wouldn’t want to wake up like this.”
Jongdae watched Lu Han’s breathing. “He probably didn’t have anything to eat before having the drinks,” he told him. “That’s why he got drunk easily.” There was something else he wanted to say, but changed his mind. Instead he looked up at Sehun curiously. “Why did you call for me and Baekhyun? You could’ve just let him stay over.”
Sehun hesitated. “I don’t think that’s going to send out a good message…to anyone,” he finally said, biting his lip. “I don’t think he’d want to wake up here either.”
“He likes you, Sehun,” Jongdae straightforwardly relayed. “I don’t think that’s a secret. And he really isn’t going to mind staying over. He’d like it that you took care of him.”
“But I’m not really who he wants,” Sehun said, shaking his head. “And I don’t want him to feel obligated to me for anything and be with me for anything like this.”
Jongdae smiled and shook his head. “Well then,” he shrugged. He stood up and started to wake Lu Han. “I’ll take it from here.”
When Lu Han’s arm was around his shoulder with Lu Han barely awake, Jongdae shot Sehun a smile. “You’re a good friend to him, Sehun,” he said, “and a good person.” He shifted Lu Han in his arms when the mentioned male started to sag his whole weight against him. “He’s lucky to have you still around.”
With Lu Han’s height and weight pretty much in bigger quantities than Jongdae’s, it was quite a surprise that he managed to haul Lu Han from Sehun’s apartment and into his car. He pushed Lu Han into the backseat and strapped him in, while getting in after him. He then told his driver to take them to Lu Han’s apartment.
“Thank you,” Lu Han gurgled as he shifted in his seat and leaned his head on Jongdae’s shoulder.
Jongdae smirked. “How long have you been awake?” he snickered.
“Since you manhandled me off the couch,” Lu Han managed to get out through his dizziness.
“Then I’m sure you’ve heard how much you don’t deserve Sehun and his kindness, didn’t you?” Jongdae pressed. Lu Han merely pressed himself closer to Jongdae, burying his face in his friend’s chest. Jongdae sighed and wrapped an arm around him. “What are we going to do with you, Lu Han? With you and your fake aversion to happy endings?”
Lu Han squeezed his eyes shut and chose to pretend he didn’t hear what Jongdae said.
Lu Han fiddled with his brand new mobile phone as he leaned back on the headboard of his bed. His room was bathed in semi-darkness, the curtains drawn as the sun started to set. He stayed at home again, not really wanting to see anyone. His fear wasn’t that Kris would come to his store to plead with him again. It was that Kris actually wouldn’t come and then Lu Han would be the one running to the hotel.
As the hours passed after he practically begged Kris to stay away from him, something hard and heavy lodged itself permanently to his chest. It was like a slow, constant, ache, ebbing in and out when he breathed. Sometimes he found that he almost couldn’t breathe because it almost became too painful to do so.
He missed Kris if he actually admitted it to himself. He liked the way he was always beside him or behind him when he blinked his focus away from whatever he was doing or thinking of. He liked that Kris always looked so serious, that he scared his employees away sometimes, but that when he looked at Lu Han, there was a certain softness in his eyes and a small smile on his lips. He liked that Kris made an effort to want to get to know him, really get to know him. He missed all of those things and more.
There were still a lot he and Kris hadn’t done together. They’d gone out on dates, dinner, breakfast, and lunch. They already watched a movie and had hung out together with Lu Han’s friends.
But there was still that first kiss.
It wasn’t that Lu Han didn’t want to kiss him; he did. It was just that Lu Han didn’t want to kiss him and find out that he wanted Kris so much that he’d be willing to dive into a relationship again after so many years. He wasn’t sure how ready he was for that and he wasn’t sure how far he was willing to go. He wasn’t sure if he was ready not to give up halfway through. Because, if it turned out that he was still as afraid as he was all those years ago, he was going to hurt Kris and himself as well.
He took a deep breath as he pressed his phone to his ear. He wasn’t sure how calling Yixing was going to fix things, but he liked talking to Yixing. His best friend had a way of knocking some sense into him even if he didn’t welcome it most of the time.
“Did you finally realize that you still want to be a Disney Princess?” were Yixing’s greeting words as he picked up the call. It was so typical of him to assume things without so much as a hello.
Lu Han bit his lip. “Maybe,” he disclosed, remembering what Baekhyun said. Maybe is a good start.
Yixing snickered and Lu Han wished he were in Beijing to smack Yixing’s face. “Then what are you doing on the phone with me?” he demanded.
Lu Han immediately hung up and got off the bed, feeling a new determination coursing through him. He opened the door to his room when he heard the apartment buzzer. Padding through the apartment, he opened the door and found Junmyeon. He ushered him in to the living room.
“Kyungsoo’s just getting ready,” Lu Han told him. “Can I get you anything?”
“I’m fine, thanks,” Junmyeon said with a warm smile.
Lu Han let out an inaudible sigh as he went to fetch Kyungsoo from his room. His last conversation with his flatmate hadn’t been one of their best ones. Lu Han had lashed out at him, upset that he was letting Junmyeon get away, when he was actually just angry at himself for doing the same thing with Kris. It hadn’t been fair to Kyungsoo and he really felt bad that he’d allowed them not to talk about it.
When Kyungsoo had finally left with Junmyeon, he stood in the middle of the apartment for a while. He’d told Kyungsoo that he was going to see Kris and insinuated the same thing to Yixing when he so unceremoniously hung up on him.
But maybe he wasn’t ready. He should probably just think things through some more before actually going up to Kris and talk to him.
He was already on his way back to his room when his mobile phone rang.
“Baekhyun,” Lu Han distractedly answered his phone.
“I’m downstairs,” Baekhyun told him. “Get your butt down here. I’m driving you to the hotel.”
“Why—what?” Lu Han gargled.
“I’m driving you. Because, knowing you, you probably already changed your mind in a second of weakness,” Baekhyun impatiently explained. “Now get down here and man up.”
“I’m going to kill Yixing,” Lu Han mumbled as he moved towards the door of his apartment.
“Not if I kill you first,” Baekhyun retorted. Lu Han froze when he realized that Baekhyun probably found out about Chanyeol and the setup.
Lu Han’s hands were place primly on his lap as he waited for Kris to arrive. He had been ushered by the concierge to one of the empty function rooms on the second floor.
He was starting to think he was crazy for ever being interested in Kris. What was he thinking? Of all the people in the world, he just had to—
The door opened and he stood up, fists clenched on his sides. Kris walked in, quietly closing the door behind him. In a few short strides, Kris was merely a couple of feet away.
“Lu Han,” Kris’ voice was measured, restrained, as his eyes bore into him. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” Lu Han took a deep breath. “I wanted to see you.” He managed to get the courage to meet Kris’ eyes and he was surprised to find Kris wasn’t angry. If anything, he looked like he was happy to see him. “Why are you not mad at me?” he blurted out, instead of all the other things he had rehearsed in his head.
“I talked to Sehun,” Kris told him, making Lu Han shift in uncomfortable surprise. “I know it wasn’t the right thing to do, but I did it. I talked to him and asked him about the two of you.” Lu Han opened his mouth to explain, but Kris shook his head at him. “He said that you guys were just friends. He said you kissed, but that it didn’t mean anything.”
Lu Han frowned, not really sure what to say to that.
“Then I told him that we haven’t done anything remotely close to kissing,” Kris went on, watching Lu Han closely. “And you know what he told me?”
“What?” Lu Han’s mouth was dry.
“He said that you keep the people you really liked at an arm’s length,” Kris relayed. He paused. “Is that true?”
“Sehun should learn to keep his mouth shut,” Lu Han made a face, irritated at Sehun, despite being surprised at how correct he was.
“So he’s right?” Kris sounded surprised and Lu Han’s breath hitched when he realized he didn’t deny it.
“So what if he is?” Lu Han snapped.
This really wasn’t going the way he’d planned it to be. He was supposed to apologize and tell Kris that maybe he was wrong and that maybe they could start over. But, at the rate things were going, Kris would want nothing to do with him since there were so many things he’d apparently lied about.
“So I lied to you,” Lu Han continued. “I didn’t mean it and I actually came here to—.”
“Lu Han,” Kris interrupted him. He took a step forward and his hand cupped Lu Han’s face. “I think you’re missing the point.”
Lu Han opened his mouth then closed it again because Kris was so near to him that he felt like he was going to faint. They’d never been this close to each other before.
“I… I don’t—,” Lu Han tried to speak. “I just… I didn’t want to ruin things.”
“Why would a kiss ruin things?” Kris wanted to know, looking amused.
“Because… because…” Lu Han struggled with words as Kris slowly dipped his head down, their breaths starting to mingle with each other’s.
“Because what?” Kris pressed, his words caressing Lu Han’s lips.
Kris engulfed the rest of his sentence with his mouth, his lips fitting and sliding perfectly with his. Lu Han’s eyes fluttered shut and he found that he couldn’t do anything else but kiss him back. The warmth of Kris’ lips on his, the slight teasing of his tongue, triggered something in him. Luhan jumped up and wrapped his legs around Kris’ waist and his arms around his neck.
“Feisty,” Kris chuckled as he nipped on Luhan’s lower lip. “Is this why you were holding back?”
Luhan pulled his face away to look at him and shook his head. “No,” he clarified. “I was holding back because I didn’t…I didn’t want to validate the fact that I wanted more because you’d already given me more than I’d ever had in any relationship.” His heart pounded in his chest as Kris put him down gently. “I was afraid that kissing you would make me want a relationship,” he added, “that it would make me want you.”
“I don’t see any problem with wanting me,” Kris said.
“Yes, well I—.” Lu Han raised an eyebrow. “Did you just…?” He scoffed in disbelief. “Oh my god, I am not dating a—.”
Kris captured his lips in another searing kiss. “Yes, you are,” he decided for him as he bit his lower lip. “You are.”
Lu Han hummed. “I am,” he gave in, wrapping his arms around Kris’ neck to pull him down into another lip lock.
“Listen,” Kris spoke when they’d pulled away for air, affectionately rubbing his thumb on Lu Han’s cheek, “I’m not pressuring you for anything. We can take this as slow as you like.”
Lu Han snorted. “Are you kidding me? You tell me that after that kiss? No way!”
“Are you sure?” Kris looked worried.
Lu Han pressed himself against Kris, grinding for a bit, just to show him how sure he was. Lifting his face up to his, he whispered to his lips, “I’m no virgin, you know.”
Kris smirked at this. “No you’re not.”
Lu Han giggled like a girl as Kris lifted him up, making him wrap his legs around him once more, and kissed him again.
“Are you okay?”
Lu Han jumped from where he was staring out of the window of the hotel room. He closed the curtains and turned around, adjusting the sunglasses that he had on. He smiled as he took in Kris looking extremely handsome in a dark three-piece suit.
“If I could whistle, I would,” Lu Han stated, smiling up at him when they were merely inches apart.
“But you can’t whistle,” Kris raised an eyebrow teasingly.
“I can show my appreciation in other ways,” Lu Han knowingly told him. He reached up, pretended to fix his tie, before leaning up and kissing him. His tongue gently prodded his lips open and he traced the cavern of his mouth. “How’s that?” he asked when he pressed his feet back on the ground.
“Much better than whistling,” Kris decided.
Kris moved towards the vanity and checked his reflection out, making sure that ever hair was in place. Lu Han rolled his eyes and just watched Kris be vain approvingly.
“One of these days, mirrors are going to start shattering when you look at them,” Lu Han offhandedly commented. Kris side-eyed him. “You look perfect,” he assured him.
Kris took Lu Han’s hand in his. “You’re nervous, aren’t you?”
And it wasn’t really a question because Lu Han was nervous. Exo Hotel’s anniversary was going to be the first event they were going to as an official couple. Sure they’d gone out on dates before, but this just felt different, because this time Lu Han promised himself that he was all in and that he was going to do everything to make it work, that he was no longer going to be afraid. And knowing all of those things, it just meant so much more.
“Is it because you have a black eye on you?” Kris went on, his mouth trying so hard not to quirk up into a smile.
Lu Han let out a laugh. When Baekhyun got mad, he really made sure that he got that message across. Once Baekhyun had found out that Lu Han and Jongdae had orchestrated the whole thing with Chanyeol and the escort service, they’d all gotten into a scuffle, resulting into various injuries between them. Lu Han thought he’d gotten the worst of it with a black eye. Jongdae got a sudden haircut (for some reason, Baekhyun had scissors during the scuffle), but it was nothing that couldn’t be fixed by his hairstylist. Baekhyun managed to get out with only a cut on his cheek, nothing a concealer couldn’t hide.
“Yeah, it’s the black eye,” Lu Han said.
Kris slowly lifted the sunglass off his face and pressed a feather-like kiss on the bruised eye. “Everything is going to be fine,” he assured him, looking into his eyes. “We’re going to be fine.”
Lu Han found himself nodding because he believed Kris. “Yes,” he said. “Yes, we will be.”
When they got to the party, they were greeted by Jongdae with a, “Oh look! Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip are finally back from such a long sleep! They’ve stopped being stupid!”
Lu Han almost smacked Jongdae’s face, but he saw Kyungsoo’s genuine happiness with the way that he smiled at them that he immediately forgot about it.
“Is he saying that you’re Princess Aurora and I’m—,” Kris began.
“No,” Lu Han vehemently denied. “Mulan,” he pointed at himself. “I’m Mulan and you’re General Shang.”
Kris’ eyebrows furrowed then he merely took a deep breath. “I think this is the sort of thing you should’ve warned me about,” he stated. “Instead of stupid things like being afraid of relationships.”
Lu Han’s eyes were suspiciously glassy when he looked at Kris, touched at his words. “You’re perfect, you know that?”
Kris smirked as he leaned down to him. “I know,” he agreed. “Do I get a kiss?”
“Yes,” Lu Han whispered, reaching up to place a hand on his neck. “My very own prince.”
“I thought I was a general,” Kris leaned back in confusion.
“Shut up,” Lu Han directed, effectively doing so with a kiss.

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